WARNING – This article spills wisdom, not drinks!
Since our young age, every child is curious about one particular thing which was always kept away from them by the elders and the government- Alcoholic Beverage. While it is one of the best things which exist till date, one cannot deny the mishaps caused by heavy alcohol consumption. This is exactly why we need this article, to really understand the term Alcoholic Beverage and know everything about it.

What Is An Alcoholic Beverage?
Any beverage that contains ethanol or ethyl alcohol is an alcoholic beverage. They include beer, wines, and spirits (hard drinks) such as whiskey, scotch, rum, etc. These have been used since ancient times as intoxicating drinks and sometimes also used in medications. All the drinks have their own methods of productions and preservations.
However, one element that remains common to all the drinks is ethanol. Most of the alcohols are made through fermentation in which yeast is used to convert sugar into ethanol. Yeast can be defined as a type of a fungus which is used in the fermentation process of the alcohol. All the alcoholic beverages have different concentrations of ethanol and that’s how they are easily distinguishable. To gain more clarity, let us see each of them more closely.
Beer- How Is It Made? How Good Is It For My Health?
Beer is the first form of alcohol and the oldest of the lot. It is most commonly made from heavy fermentation of malted barley but rice and wheat are also used to produce local beer. It is the most locally used drink after water and tea. Have you heard the expression, A perfect mug of brewed beer is all I need after a long day? Let’s see how is the perfect mug of beer is made-

The process by which beer is produced is called Brewing. It is a simple process where mashing of the starch sugars existing in malted barley/wheat/rice is done into a compound known as ‘wort’. This wort is further fermented using yeast to produce the end result which is known as Beer. To make the beer last longer and to give a slightly bitter after taste, modern beers are brewed with hops which also acts as a natural preserving ingredient. Sometimes, hops is often replaced by other flavoring ingredients such as fruits, herbs, gruit etc which adds the flavors of their own.
- There are regular beer events called ‘Beer Festivals’ which happen throughout the world within short intervals of time. Also, there is a job which pays people to taste and review beers!
- Beer also contains Vitamin B, Magnesium and Potassium in most of its produced varieties.
- It was once used as a natural currency by the Land of Pharaohs in Egypt!
- Darker and bitter beers have higher levels of alcohol content. The strong beer has around 67.5% of alcohol in it.
- Do you fear to have beers? The fear of having an empty glass of beer is called Cenosillicaphobia.
- Washing your hair with beer gives you healthy, shiny and fuller hair locks!
How Fine Is The Wine I Consume? Its Gossip Would Be An Add On Please…
Wine is termed as one of the most sophisticated beverages which is consumed till date. Its production dates as early as 6000 BC. It is an alcoholic drink which is fermented using grapes. Varieties of wines are available in the market such as Red Wine, White Wines, Rose Wines, Fruit Wines, Mead/Honey Wines, and Starch Based Wines.

Different varieties of wines are made using different varieties of grapes. The common process which takes place in the production of all types of wine is the conversion of sugar into ethanol. The yeast turns the sugar starch in the grape into ethanol, heat and carbon dioxide. The fermentation process of wines is much longer as compared to other alcoholic beverages. It youngest being 2 years and the longest is a bottle of wine which is unopened since 1472.
- Red wines contain a compound known as tannins which have is the only healthy alcoholic drink till now. P.S- Only if consumed in small amounts which are considered next to not drinking at all.
- The color of the wines actually comes from the color of the grape skin.
- In ancient times, storing of wines was only for the privileged section.
- Wines are versatile enough to take up the flavors of fruits, spices, oak and barrels where they are stored. Also, they can be easily paired with everything under the roof.
- One must also choose the right glass as per the wine as they are designed to direct the wine to the key areas of your nose and the mouth which enables us to get the real taste of wine.
How About A Sip Of Hard Liquor?
This is the hardest form of alcoholic beverage which is produced and is also known as Distilled drink or Spirits. They usually exceed 40% of alcohol content in them. The flash examples include whiskey, rum, scotch, tequila, brandy, etc. This means that these substances are more powerful and intoxicating. So, these are more harmful than the others but if consumed in moderation, they have their own benefits as well.
The distilled drinks are also made using fermentation at the primary stage. After fermentation, the ingredients undergo distillation. Hard liquor is general made up using grains, vegetables, and fruits. In distillation, this liquid is distilled from other compounds such as water, carbon dioxide and purifies the substance further. Thus, a strong, concentrated alcoholic beverage remains.
- Brandy is often used as a medicine in most of the countries.
- Consumption of hard liquor is done to slow down the brain which is considered as a means to get stress free for that period. However, more consumption leads to neurological problems.
- It is one of the most commonly misused addictive substances.
- The more educated a man is, the richer is his taste in alcohol.
- Hard Liquor is often consumed as per occasion for ex- scotch is taken while listening to jazz, whiskey at an elite/corporate gathering, etc.
Take that glass out and spill your drinks. Till then, cheers!